// http://www.bearbearbear.com/dog/lovesong.mp3

Saturday, April 29, 2006


No !!!! This Blog in about LOVE.
And got nothing to do with the above mention title.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Highly recomended !!

Coming out this summer..

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Image of LOVE

Some said it look like this..... a Heart ? Hmmmm?? No !!

Some claim this is it........ Roses ......? its just some stupid flowers
Some even dare to said this ........a Diamond ??? NO WAY !!!!!!!
What a waste of hard earn $

REAL LOVE have a face ...Yes a face everyone can look up to ........
Can't show U the whole face......
Don't want U to be too happy...
Happiness can KILL...

Love dont appear always... you gotta pray hard for love.
Let the power of Real Love manifest onto you.
Everyone need love, so join us...
Open your hand wide and shout:

" Ab*L is Love....! "

Very soon, singapore will be a city filled with alot of love..

My movie wishlist

The entertianment world is so unfair.
Lee Ang is a good guy .
I will always love him for making BrokeBack mountain just for me.

But I wish there will be more great movie coming for every normal human like me to enjoy.

  1. BrokeBack Garden ........because Love don't have to be so tiring.
  2. Romeo and Julian ....... sound natural and better right.
  3. Crying Game II - No more tears.......why cry when you're doing the right thing.
  4. Blue Oyster Special collection....Featuring what actually should happen there....No Tango just Macho.
  5. Happy Together II ... Using high tech computer effect to bring back Leslie Cheung for this exiting sequence with Tony Leung .
  6. Bands of Brother II - Bend over Brother...... best war movie ever ...Fire from behind.
  7. Memoir of a Macho man..... about a young man struggle to become macho.
  8. The 1 commandment........because 1 rules from behind.
  9. Titanic II- The truth......Love story about Jack and Ronnie.
  10. Deep Impact II......Men give men deep impacts.

I hope these movie come soon . I've got pop-corn and soda ready.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Abel for a new beginning.

This is gonna be hard for me to do,
to put away all my feelings towards you.

I've abel you very much, even after our last touch.

Now you're gone and I just think its best,
to comfort my heart and give it some rest.

I'll continue to abel you forever,
but moving on as you have is for the better.

I don't know if I can ever abel again the way I abel you,
but from here on out I need to realize when one's abel for me isn't true.

So this is it I need to be set free, for now
I should only abel king, sexy steve and me.

If only we would've given it another try,
right now I wouldn't have to be telling you good-bye.

Good-bye to the good times and the bad,
good-bye to the life we could've had.

Good-bye to our wishes and dreams, wow,
i'm saying good-bye to everything it seems.

Good-bye to the tears and broken hearts,
this is the beginning of where our new life starts.

If only we would've pushed to try,
it wouldn't break my heart to say good-bye.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A Abel's Concerto


How gentle is the rain
That falls softly on the meadow,
Birds high up the trees
Serenade the clouds with their melodies

Oh, see there beyond the hill,
The bright colors of the rainbow.
Some magic from above
Made this day for us just to fall in ABEL

Now, I belong to you
From this day until forever,
Just ABEL me tenderly
And I'll give to you every part of me.

Oh, don't ever make me cry
Through long lonely nights without us.
Be always true to me,
Keep this day in your heart eternally.

One day we shall return
To this place upon the meadow.
We'll walk out in the rain,
See the birds above singing once again

Oh, you hold me in your arms,
And say once again you love me,
And if your ABEL is true,
Everything will be just as wonderful.

You'll hold me in your arms,
And say once again you'll ABEL me,
And if your ABEL is true,
Everything will be just as wonderful.